The GRANDER® Effect

Without water there would be no life!

The knowledge surrounding the (healing) powers stored in water is very old - many myths and stories from old cultural circles prove this.

Johann Grander realised 30 years ago how important it was to approach nature and the element of water with respect.

The origin of his thoughts was that the state of water has a significant bearing on our well-being and the preservation of our entire ecosystem.

Through many years of experimental and research work, Johann Grander came to the conclusion that water possesses the ability to transfer information.  This information transfer from one water to another presents a physical uniqueness and was first used by Johann Grander in this form.

Johann Grander's goal was make the properties of revitalised water transferrable - with all its positive effects for humans, animals and plants - to all other waters.


For use by everyone who drinks it and uses it in their daily lives.

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You would like to have the best water in your home?

Our water experts are happy to offer a free and non-binding consultation. Contact us for your customized water concept – for the highest quality of water straight from your tap in a sustainable way.