Imprint & Legal Information

Company name: Activation Products (Can) Inc.
Address: 74 Willmott St, ON K9A OE9 Cobourg, , CA
Phone:   +43 5355 50300
Registration ID: 455899s
Court of Jurisdiction: BG Kitzbühel/LG Innsbruck
TAX ID: ATU71258417

Copyright Website:

Every website design, every text, all graphics, every selection and/or layout and every software are property of copyright.

All rights reserved.

Copyright brankmark:

All trademark logos as well as company and trademark names and all design elements of the website are copyright protected and are the property of the company Grander GmbH.


Powerdesign - Georg Klaißner
Josef Pirchl Str. 23
A-6370 Kitzbühel

Completeness and Legal Validity:

There is no responsibility assumed for the completeness of the content on these pages.  The information offered by means of the Internet is in no way legally binding.

Linked Sites:

We have no influence on the content and design of sites that we link to. We assume no liability for the content and accuracy of the linked sites.

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